The Coming of the Son of Man (Luke 21:25-36)
Dec 02, 2018 12:00 PM
This morning, we are introduced to two new words. Anamnesis is 'lived memory.' The second word is prolepsis, which is 'the not yet now.' These words may seem odd, yet they play an important role in how Christians see the world.
Our Preparation (Luke 3:7-18)
Dec 16, 2018 12:00 PM
This passage is about judgement and most of the time when we hear that phrase, it brings about fear. However, if someone harmed you, then judgement upon them would be a good thing, right? In this passage, John the Baptist sees judgement was good news and we should too.
Straight Paths and Smooth Roads (Luke 3:1-6)
Dec 09, 2018 12:00 PM
It is the church that sees through the darkness of the present into the light of the Kingdom.
The Promise of the Arrival (Matthew 2:13-23)
Jan 01, 2017 12:42 PM
The nativity on your mantle portrays the coming of our Savior in the perfect setting. The beauty of Christmas is the reminder that the story doesn't end at the nativity. Jesus entered a world that was lost and hopeless and become our light and hope.
The Aroma of Christmas (2 Corinthians 2:12-17)
Nov 29, 2015 12:18 PM
Christmas is when we celebrate the coming of Christ. We are the aromatherapy the world needs.
God, The Father (Deuteronomy 10:12)
Nov 30, 2014 03:17 PM
This Advent, we will be looking at who Jesus is. In order to lay a proper foundation, we begin with who God is.
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Why Jesus Came (Mark 10:45)
Dec 07, 2014 04:16 PM
Mark's gospel lays out three predictions of Jesus' death in three separate chapters (8, 9, & 10). Each one of these predictions is followed with an apostle's idea of who he thinks Jesus should be. Jesus holds fast in obedience to His Father's plan, not those closest to Him.
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The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-14, 18)
Dec 14, 2014 04:14 PM
The Epilogue to John's Gospel is one of the greatest pieces of scripture. John tries to capture the cosmic nature of the Divine coming to earth.
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He is Our Help (Hebrews 2:14-18)
Dec 28, 2014 04:13 PM
Most of us lack the ability to truly communicate with one another. Then, we get to church and our pastor talks to us about prayer and we think, "I can barely talk to my neighbor, much less the Creator of the universe." Hebrews opens with an incredible declaration- because Christ has come, the communications lines to our God are open!
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Until We Met Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17)
Dec 21, 2014 04:11 PM
It is the fourth Sunday of Advent. We turn to one of the more confusing openings of a gospel. Why would Matthew give so much time to the genealogy of Jesus?
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Silent Night! Holy Night (Luke 2:1-7)
Dec 08, 2013 03:21 PM
In the midst of what we think is God's silence, we quiet ourselves and find Him working.
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What Child is This? (Matthew 1:18-25)
Dec 15, 2013 03:20 PM
The names of our Savior are names that help shed light on exactly who this child is.
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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Luke 1:67-79)
Dec 01, 2013 12:36 PM
"God with us" is both life changing and world changing. This life changing presence is present in "us".
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