Gardendale Nazarene

to live completely for Christ...

Luke | Messages | Gardendale Nazarene


The Mighty One has Done Great Things (Luke 1:39-45, 46-55)

Advent reminds us that God makes and keeps promises. In the midst of this, the people of God do not wait for the promises to be fulfilled, we live knowing the promises will be fulfilled.

The Coming of the Son of Man (Luke 21:25-36)

This morning, we are introduced to two new words. Anamnesis is 'lived memory.' The second word is prolepsis, which is 'the not yet now.' These words may seem odd, yet they play an important role in how Christians see the world.

Our Preparation (Luke 3:7-18)

This passage is about judgement and most of the time when we hear that phrase, it brings about fear. However, if someone harmed you, then judgement upon them would be a good thing, right? In this passage, John the Baptist sees judgement was good news and we should too.

Straight Paths and Smooth Roads (Luke 3:1-6)

It is the church that sees through the darkness of the present into the light of the Kingdom.

Kindness is at a Table (2 Samuel 9:1-11)

The kitchen table might be the most theological piece of furniture in our homes. Don't underestimate the power of having a seat at the table.

"When he came to his senses..." (Luke 15:11-32)

The Prodigal Son is a great parable. Many times, we overlook the importance of the other son. He is not one that we usually identify with, but digger a little deeper into the story reminds us that sometimes we have to choose between being right and being in relationship.

Joining the Celebration (Luke 19:28-40)

The tragedy of the day is that the people are half right. He did come as God’s Messiah. But was He the Messiah they wanted? Or, is He the Messiah you wanted?

The Opening Shots (Luke 4:1-13)

We begin our Lenten series today in the wilderness. We take a new look at the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness and God's desire to form a new people.

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Experiencing God's Goodness (Luke 6:38)

God has a vision for your life. What is keeping you from being all that God desires for you? Are you willing to trust Him enough to give Him what stands between you and Him?

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Jesus Christ and the Mission of the Church (Luke 19:28-44)

What path are you on? Are you being influenced by this world or are you on the path of God? What is blocking your path? What is keeping you from being who God created you to be?

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Silent Night! Holy Night (Luke 2:1-7)

In the midst of what we think is God's silence, we quiet ourselves and find Him working.

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Follow Me (Luke 18:18-24)

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Practical Prayer (Luke 18:1-8)

We have a God who hears our prayers and is moved by our faithfulness in our prayer life.

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Your Kingdom Come (Luke 4:5-8)

"Your kingdom come" is a concrete reality in which we are to become part or be out of step with the reality that God has come into the world in Jesus.

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Our Daily Bread (Luke 24:28-31)

In praying for "our daily bread", we realize that God has chosen to meet our most basic needs. It is there, our eyes are opened and we see God among us.

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Forgive Us, as We Forgive (Luke 15:29-32)

Forgiveness comes first to us. It is out of that action that we have the ability to forgive.

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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Luke 1:67-79)

"God with us" is both life changing and world changing. This life changing presence is present in "us".

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