Devoted to Prayer
Jun 12, 2014 02:34 PM
Last night, we discussed a chapter on the Early Church in the book Multiply. It was a great chapter that focused on Acts 2:42-47. In verse 42, Luke records that the early church devoted themselves to four things: the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. All four of these items must continue to be important things for the church today.
A couple weeks ago, I asked you to pray with me. Prayer has to be a central part of the church. Francis Chan writes, “Could it be that we have lost sight of our absolute dependence on God? Have we lost the urgency of our mission and the sense that if God does not work through us, we will not be able to do what we have been called to do? Prayer is exactly this type of declaration. A church that is devoted to prayer is a church that knows God’s mission is the most important pursuit on earth. It is a church that knows it cannot succeed without God. May this type of devotion to prayer define the attitude of our churches.”
I was struck by that last line. We continue to talk about our values and I believe that prayer is one the keys to God’s working in His church. This is a great challenge to us. I want to encourage you to set aside time for prayer. I pray that as a church, we can devote ourselves to God’s mission.
Grace and peace,
Pastor John

A couple weeks ago, I asked you to pray with me. Prayer has to be a central part of the church. Francis Chan writes, “Could it be that we have lost sight of our absolute dependence on God? Have we lost the urgency of our mission and the sense that if God does not work through us, we will not be able to do what we have been called to do? Prayer is exactly this type of declaration. A church that is devoted to prayer is a church that knows God’s mission is the most important pursuit on earth. It is a church that knows it cannot succeed without God. May this type of devotion to prayer define the attitude of our churches.”
I was struck by that last line. We continue to talk about our values and I believe that prayer is one the keys to God’s working in His church. This is a great challenge to us. I want to encourage you to set aside time for prayer. I pray that as a church, we can devote ourselves to God’s mission.
Grace and peace,
Pastor John